I don't know about you but for me if one of my projects gets removed off a site then that triggers me! Seriously, imagine working all that time on a game or animation and then some people decide to rate it 0 stars like... You know that the creator(s) put effort into that right? I feel like there should be a new feature added where there is just a section on anyone profile where they just keep all there tests, crappy games or really anything that they wanna keep but don't wanna get blammed and also in that section the stuff that's put in that section should be unblammable meaning that it cannot be blammed by other users, sure there's a file dump where you can put a bunch of stuff but only people with a link can access it so.... That kinda sucks... I feel like the Newgrounds blamming system is just flawed, many people could just troll other users by always rating a 0 start on all of their stuff and that it really bad. I just don't want there to be s blamming system, if a project isn't good enough or has low ratings then just make it so that it won't be recommended to people and can only be accessed by searching for it or by looking at the creator(s) profile, that would be a much better system but I guess we are all stuck with this for now...